Irel´s personal blog about...

wow! So basicly i will make write about something ever wednesday and sunday. some smaller stuff will go in from time to time and ofc there will be news here to!
If you want to contact me for some reson u can send me an in game mail to my char (Irel on Grim batol EU) or mail me @

onsdag 10 februari 2010

Hi, Hello and Welcome!

So hello everyone to this first blog enterie of my new blog "Let´s blogg about wow".
So to start this off i´ve renewed my wow account! That one day was a boring day i tell you. even so boring that i went and created a private server acc and played for like 10 min there. It was fun when i created the gnome rogue who i named wowsuck((s) i wasnt alowed to ad the S =/ since i was using bad language etc) i put out my talents, fixed my interface with spells and such (It was an instant 80 server btw) then i went and learned dual wielding at the trainer.
This is the point where i was like just standing there thinking of what to do next. since it was a private server the dungeon quee and the BG quee didnt work. So to my own supries i might add, i pressed exit game and just didnt play my young rogue.
But nvm that, now back to some more preasence matters that affect almost every guild who is raiding ICC atm. blizzard announced this week that they will remove the attempts system on normal verions in ICC 10 and 25. this means that alot more guild will get access to Arthas way sooner and hopefully get him down to. Though some of the bosses in ICC still are hard, I think we wont see a message in trade chat saying "LFM ICC 10(or 25) Link me ur King slayer achiv and ur GS! u must have 6k atleast!" for a while.
There were some more ingame fixes. To see the full list press the link at the end of the blog! Fyi some changes has been applied to lich king drop to. and since i think this is kind of old news i wont include a link.

And now for AD´s own section of the blog

The 25 man raiding with Fracture has been set! They will take place at Friday (20:00-23:30 ST) and on Tuesday (raiding times yet to be announced!) If you plan to attend these raids you should install Ventrilo (unknown version) and be on ur best behavior since we will be raiding with another guild and we dont want to look like noobs and imature kids.
I think this will be a veary good setup for our guild to keep raiding 25 man since we currently lack some members for it. The reward system used will be rolling, unfair according to me but i guess it´s the best sulotion.
I´m not sure about the 10 mans raid if we will use dkp or roll there to, but what i can tell you is that we will raid ICC 10 man on wednesday and on sundays if everyone got time for it.
I strongly sudgest you join un sundays to since the "fat" loot will be droped there and all the progress kills will be made there. So gogo and join sundays raid to!

And now for the question of the week. What do you prefer, Gear score or Inspect? Post your response + motivation in the comment section bellow =)

So i think ive covered it all for this week. see you next time!
P.S. im currently playing around with the site so you might see some changes on the page layout. some pictuers etc =)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Well.. if a rec for a pug raid is 5,5k GS and you inspect a person with 10/25 insanity achievement and his GS only is about 5000/5100 i wont hesitate to invite him :)
    And it doesn't rly matter how your GS is if you dont know how to use the gear you'v got :P

    About the DKP system in 25 man. I talked to Oloth and he didn't want a dkp system for the raids, he was convinced that it would be to big of a problem to update and corrdinate it. And now we can roll on all bosses, instead ofthe 1-3-5 bosses one week and 2-4-6 and so on :). I dunno what i like the most, but there's a chance of getting tier 10,5 every week now.

    I dunno if we are using DKP on 10 man ? but i realy think we should... still got 1200 that i haven't spent :P


  2. I would say inspection is the only way to go, i think the gs system can go f**k it self i think it's a stupid system. U can with High gs have gear not suited for your class with wrong stats or f**ked up gems , so Inspect the only ways to go.
