Irel´s personal blog about...

wow! So basicly i will make write about something ever wednesday and sunday. some smaller stuff will go in from time to time and ofc there will be news here to!
If you want to contact me for some reson u can send me an in game mail to my char (Irel on Grim batol EU) or mail me @

måndag 8 februari 2010

The story begins...

on wednesday!!! since I need some forums acces on my guilds webbsite ( i wont begin to write untill wednesday. i will make a new post every week (on wednesdays if u did´nt make the conection ur self) it will be about wow, no shit! and about some stuffs that happens in my guilds community,raids and some wow happenings etc. i might throw up some guides or some funny movies to, though we will see =)
So follow my blogg and if you got anything you want me to take up here mail me!

Regards: Joakim Byvik aka Irel

1 kommentar:

  1. Hey Irel. Im looking forward to reading your blog :) looks nice. But don't talk shit about me ! = - 50 DKP!!!!

