Irel´s personal blog about...

wow! So basicly i will make write about something ever wednesday and sunday. some smaller stuff will go in from time to time and ofc there will be news here to!
If you want to contact me for some reson u can send me an in game mail to my char (Irel on Grim batol EU) or mail me @

torsdag 18 februari 2010

ICC 10 round 1

So i promised some comments on the ICC raid. well im to tired of writing so pics it is! these are the top 5 pics i got. cleared 6/12 and got the weekly ICC quest done! it was the one where you are suppose to kill fester and rotface without a person dying in any of the fight. was easy if i might add =) 1 shot ofc . got our asses wupped by valethria dreamwalker (cant spell the name)

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